Yes I feed my children chocolate muffins for breakfast

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And they were good too…..

It was amusing though that my youngest insisted that chocolate muffins were not for breakfast. While he ate them of course. My oldest had no complaints and neither did I. The day before we had strawberry muffins and I think tomorrow it will be blueberry. We are totally on a muffin kick this week.  The odd thing was we had desert for breakfast and had breakfast for dinner.

Seriously though who doesn’t like muffins and would complain?


  1. Its so refreshing to hear another Mom who feeds their kids muffins for breakfast!!! Why not. Whats funny is that my Mother-in-law trys to make them healthy by adding carrots (baby food) in them. Or apple plup etc just to sneak in some extra nutrition. I guess she worries about them eating regular old yummy muffins, I don’t because we end up switching it up later in the day. Its all good.

  2. looks yummy! I make chocolate muffins for breakfast too.

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