Top 5 Reasons To Get Well Checkups For Your Kids

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The opinions in this article are my own. I do not work for, or with, any brand mentioned in this article, nor do I have any official relationship with them. I have a relationship with GigaSavvy, for whom I create original editorial content.

Since becoming a parent almost thirteen years ago (wow, I can’t believe my oldest will be thirteen soon), it has been so important to me to make sure that my kids are happy and healthy. Admittedly during the first couple of years I probably went overboard with Doctor visits. But now that I have a few years(over a dozen) under my belt I have established in our family what warrants a doctors visit. Well checkups are an important part of growing up and making sure a child is healthy. Molina Healthcare agrees that getting yearly health checkups is an important part of growing up and staying healthy. So I composed a list of my top 5 reasons for getting a well checkup every year.

well checkups

Top 5 Reasons For Well Checkups:

  1. Development – Pediatricians and parents want to make sure their children are developing as they should be.
  2. Immunizations – Immunizations are important for a child’s health. During well checkups they are either administered or a schedule for them is created.
  3. Doctor time – Checkups are a great time to make the most out of your doctor’s time. This time can be used to discuss any concerns such as sleeping habits, behavior concerns and even potty training with your doctor.
  4. Prevention – While immunizations are meant to prevent disease, a pediatrician will ask questions about things around the kid that a parent may not be aware of. These can be things such as lead paint and water concerns.
  5. Early diagnosis – As a parent I hate to say this, but sometimes a child may have an illness that hasn’t shown itself yet to the parent. A lot of times at well checkups a doctor will discover these things during an exam.

These reasons are why I make sure that my children get their yearly checkups around their birthdays each year. That way they are consistent and my children stay healthy.

The opinions in this article are my own. I do not work for, or with, any brand mentioned in this article, nor do I have any official relationship with them. I have a relationship with GigaSavvy, for whom I create original editorial content.

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