My kid the sea monster? – Wordless Wednesday

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For more awesome photos, head over to The Bona Fide Life, Better in Bulk, Shanamama, From Dates to Diapers, Not Your Momblog, The Divine Miss Mommy , High Impact Mom, BrainFoggles and Zensible Mama and link your own photo stories!


  1. Hahaha very funny!

  2. too funny!

  3. LOL that is cute!

  4. What a fun shot!

  5. So funny!

  6. LOL that’s funny!

  7. LOL…Great shot!

  8. Very creative and funny!

  9. My oldest girl does this all the time! I have a series of photos with her head stuck in various mouths. 🙂

  10. How funny!

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