I can’t quite tell: smart ass or not? I want to hope he is just being nice.

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I am going with the whole my kid was trying to be nice thing, but part of what he told makes me think he is being a smart ass in a way. He is my kids so I would not put being a smart ass thing past him. It just comes naturally for us. Shocker, I know.

Well we were waiting for his little brother to get out of an after school activity *cough*detention*cough* and ran to Walmart to pick up some last minute salad supplies for dinner. My kid says that he would like to buy some more pencils and erasers for his teacher because she keeps running out. Part of me is instantly like.

What the hell? School has been in session for around a month. I can’t help but to think that they should have plenty of pencils still. He goes on to explain to me that she passes out sharp pencils and when your pencil breaks or goes dull she gives you another. Well apparently kids are not turning their pencils back in and the teacher has been taking time out of class to talk about this.

And in result my kid who says he gives his pencil back when it goes dull and is tired of hearing about kids not turning in pencils (That clued me in to maybe he is being a smart ass). His solution is that he will just buy more pencils to give to the teacher so it stops taking time out of class. Maybe he was being sweet, I am not completely sure.

He sold me on his thoughts and I know this is his reading class so I am thinking he is tired of it taking time out of his precious reading time(he loves to read, I think we go to the library 3-4 times a week). Oh well I do think my kid has his heart in the right place though and really wants to help.

Here is him and his pencils:
He also makes a great cereal carrier, you should get a 10 year old boy to carry your groceries too.  Though they don’t like to smile at the camera when their mom takes their picture in the middle of Walmart.


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