– Pretty Awesome Stuff

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I know different scents mean different things to different people. For example those Avon perfume bottles might remind you of your grandmother’s house, you know because back in the seventies she had to collect all of them. Every last one of them. I wasn’t even alive in the seventies, but I know all about them. Any sorry about that blast from the past.

I was recently browsing perfumes and colognes at and when I came across the awesomely tantalizing scent Cool Water:

cool water
It totally brought back memories of junior high dances in the nineties (see I’m way too young for the seventies). Those memories make me smile and think of both innocence and awkwardness. They kind of go together don’t they? My son is almost thirteen, doesn’t that mean it’s about time for his first bottle?

Well I am sure I can get him an awesome discount cologne by Cool Water at Beauty Encounter. And I am sure the seventh grade ladies will thank me, right? I still like the way that cologne smells. It makes me smile.

And in the month of April every week, on the Beauty Encounter Facebook Page you can enter by sharing your tips and sharing the post. They will be giving away a total of four $50 Beauty Encounter eCoupon Cards. That is one each week. So please go share you perfume or cologne tips, I want to read them!

Also be sure to check for awesome Beauty Encounter coupons, that way if your like us. Mom and son can get some awesome cologne. Well perfume for me.

What perfume or cologne brings back memories for you? Happy ones? I hope no sad ones, because that might get a little awkward.

Now quick go enter to win one of their eCoupons. It’s really lots of fun!

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